Hallo Zusammen, ich schreibe gerade an meiner Bachelorarbeit und bin dabei auf dieses Forum gestoßen. Ich finde diese Plattform wahnsinnig wichtig und hilfreich, weswegen ich sie gerne in meine Bachelorarbeit mit einbinden würde. Ich selbst war 4 Jahre lang essgestört und habe meine Therapie zunächst stationär und dann ambulant am TCE in München (Therapie Centrum Essstörung) gemacht, weswegen ich mit dem Thema an sich sehr vertraut bin. Deshalb auch das Thema meiner Bachelorarbeit: Und zwar schreibe ich darüber, ob Plus-Size Models das Körperbild von Essgestörten beeinflussen können, oder nicht. Dazu habe ich einen Fragebogen entwickelt, bei dem ich mich wahnsinnig freuen würde, wenn ihr Euch dazu bereit erklären würdet, diesen zu beantworten. Ich verstehe auch, wenn ihr das ganze nicht öffentlich machen wollt, ihr könnt eure Antworten auch gerne per Mail an mich zurück senden. Da ich meinen Bachelor an der University of South Wales mache, sind die Fragen auf Englisch, ihr könnt sie aber natürlich auf Deutsch beantworten. Vielen lieben Dank schon mal und herzliche Grüße Julia gebhardjs@googlemail.com _____________________________________________________________________________________ Please answer the personnel questions and take a look at the three different campaigns and covers and the context they were brought up with. It would be great, if you could answer the four following questions: 1. What do you feel looking at them? (Wie findest du diese Aufnahmen?) 2. What thoughts come to your mind? (Welche Gedanken schießen dir in den Kopf?) 3. How do they make you feel? (Wie fühlst du dich, wenn du diese Aufnahmen siehst?) 4. How do they make you feel according to your own body image? (Was machen diese Bilder mit deinem eigenen Körper-Empfinden?) 5. What effect have these new beauty-standards on you? (Welche Wirkung haben diese Aufnahmen auf dein Schönheitsempfinden?) Feel free to contact me any time for any questions. Thank you so much for your support! Personal Questions: Name: Age: Type of eating disorder: Duration of eating disorder: 1) Ashley Graham on the cover of SPORTS ILLUSTRATED SWIMSUIT in 2016 Ashley Graham was the first plus size Model on the cover of the magazine known for it´s sexy pictures. SPORTS ILLUSTRATED SWIMSUIT is a multimedia powerhouse reaching more than 70 million consumers. Swimsuit brings the most beautiful women in the world to the most exotic locations to capture sleek and sexy content in innovative new ways. More than 17.6 billion media and marketing impressions generated at launch 60 Million U.S. adults read the Swimsuit issue including more men 18-34 than the Super Bowl and more women than an issue of Cosmopolitan, Glamour or Vogue More than 7.4 million unique users visit the website during launch window More at: SI Media Kit » Swimsuit 2) H&Ms summer 2013 campaign featuring Jennie Runk H&M is finally showing fashion-lovers that their clothes look amazing on plus-size women too. The Swedish retailer is promoting a new women's swimwear collection on the U.S. site (as of publication, the collection is not featured on their Canadian site) featuring plus-size model Jennie Runk. The great (one could even say innovative) aspect to the campaign is that the collection isn't labeled "plus-sized fashion;" nope, it's just filed under "beachwear." More at: H&M Uses Plus-Size Model For Swimwear Campaign Photos 3) The May 2018 Cover of the British Vogue Edward Enninful, first dark skinned and male Editor in Chief of the British Vogue, showed 9 upcoming modeling stars on the cover saying “I also believe that the time has come for us to look forward. In short, it is a moment for Vogue to do what it has always done best: to offer a bold vision of what the future can – and should – look like. To that end, a few weeks ago I flew to New York to meet the photographer Craig McDean, a dear friend and probably my longest-standing collaborator. Over the course of two days in a Manhattan loft studio we set about a very special project: bringing together nine future modelling superstars for a cover story that I hope defines everything we stand for as a magazine in 2018. I must say, assembling a star cast of fashion’s most-talked-about new faces proved a truly exciting task. Even five years ago – and certainly 10 or 20 years ago – if you were shooting a group cover like this, the girls would not have looked like these young women do. But one of the great positives of the past few months is the fashion industry finally embracing a concept that has defined my entire working life: diversity. When I say diversity, I want to be clear that it is never just about black and white for me. It’s about diversity across the board – whether that’s race, size, socio-economic background, religion, sexuality. That’s what I want to celebrate with this cover.” More at: 9 Trailblazing Models Cover May Vogue | British Vogue Eninnful, E. (2018) ‚9 Trailblazing Models Cover May Vogue‘ article section of British VOGUE [Online] Available at:9 Trailblazing Models Cover May Vogue | British Vogue (Accessed: 11. May 2018). 1. What do you feel looking at them? (Wie findest du diese Aufnahmen?) 2. What thoughts come to your mind? (Welche Gedanken schießen dir in den Kopf?) 3. How do they make you feel? (Wie fühlst du dich, wenn du diese Aufnahmen siehst?) 4. How do they make you feel according to your own body image? (Was machen diese Bilder mit deinem eigenen Körper-Empfinden?) 5. What effect have these new beauty-standards on you? (Welche Wirkung haben diese Aufnahmen auf dein Schönheitsempfinden haben?) Please just type your answers after the topics below. 1) Ashley Graham on the Cover of Sports Illustrated Swimsuit 2) H&Ms summer 2013 campaign featuring Jennie Runk 3)The May 2018 Cover of the British Vogue
Hallo Julia-Sophia, ich nehme gerne teil, falls ich die Zeit dazu noch finde. Viel Erfolg aber schonmal beim Schreiben deiner Arbeit! Es müsste heißen: "the following five questions" Hier ist ein Komma zu viel - Philly